The Company was founded in 2000 following the demise of Unison Corporation. Together with selected key employees we started by offering service and support to our previous customers.

In 2001 we developed the Grind-Rite system in the form of a manual fixture which could be fitted to a customers own machine, this was quickly expanded to include a manual machine option with automatic feed options. The CNC option using a Chevalier control soon followed.

Finally at the request of one of our major customers we developed the automated loading system incorporating the Fanuc LR Mate 2000iD 6-Axis robot. A Marposs acoustic sensor and electronic probe systems which also enhanced the capability of this system.

Because of these changes we found it necessary to develop a fully customized control system with software unique to this system. We have continually updated and developed this software based mainly on our customers requirements.

During this period we form a strong relationship with a German Service organization who specialized in Rebuilding and Servicing Walter Grinding Machines. We continue to offer mechanical and electrical service on these machine up to full rebuilds.

We also offer a full spindle rebuilding service for the GMN and Myratt spindle used in this equipment.

Custom Machinery

Due to our unique customer base we have been asked to develop many special purpose machines.

Some of which become standard product in the rage of equipment we offer.

This equipment can be supplied with many special options not least a fully customized software package tailored specifically for the required application.